Painful Knee, Sciatica and Carpal Tunnel

Rachel had been suffering with a painful knee, Sciatic pain in her lower back and also diagnosed with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Rachel had already discovered that she could ‘cure’ herself of the Carpal Tunnel symptoms by changing the position in which she slept, which in itself is an indication of a possible misdiagnosis.

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Undetected Injuries Causing Ongoing Problems For 23yr Old Harry

It’s not unusual for patients to present with Back Pain that is a result of injuries from earlier in our lives. Harry’s condition is a prime example of this, which is why it’s always so important that your practitioner can recognise signs of earlier trauma and ask the right questions.

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Historic Back Injury Affecting Sporting Career

Matty has suffered problems throughout his sporting career as a semi professional Football Player. As well as postural issues, Matty has a recurring Hamstring problem.

Bad posture and general misalignment can be an underlying cause and have a referral effect, triggering other conditions.

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Suffering with a Double Whiplash Injury

Dan has been suffering from Whiplash Injuries for more than 9 years.

His first Whiplash Injury was as a result of a car accident and the second, 4 years later, was a bad landing whilst trampolining. Unfortunately, we are all vulnerable to Whiplash when going about our everyday lives. Accidents happen, but it’s what we do to recover from these incidents that paves the way for the future of our physical health.

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Releasing Two Trapped Nerves

We all need a bit of down time occasionally. A few days where we can recharge our batteries and look forward to glorious weather and spectacular sunsets. I was fortunate enough to visit Bali this year, but there really is no rest for the ‘Wicked’ . I’m also liking that wicked is no longer something bad, but something cool and perhaps even a little amazing!

Whilst in Bali, I met Peter. He’d been suffering with two trapped nerves and was in significant pain. Trapped Nerves can be excruciating and debilitating so I needed to help him. Here’s a video of me working with Peter in Bali and it was great to see a smile on his face afterwards.