Severe Back Pain – Lawson’s Story

Severe Back Pain is not pleasant at all of us are likely to experience it at some point in our lives. For the luck few, a bit of rest and it feels as though it has passed, though the underlying problems will still be lurking.
For the rest of us, treatment by a specialist practitioner like myself is the only way forward.

In this video I’m visiting Lawson for a treatment at his home. Lawson had tried a cocktail of medication provided by conventional medicine. The best way forward when you are experiencing Back Pain is to have treatments from a professional back pain specialist like myself who enables the body to heal itself. Natural healing truly is the best way out of back pain.

Just see how Lawson responds to my Unique Treatment Program.

Want to be Pain Free ?

Call me for an initial consultation and to book an appointment on 07951 146778 or 01923 562519