Curved Spine – Jake’s Story

Meet Jake. He is an amazing character with a very dedicated mum, Angela. Jake had suffered from a very crooked spine for the last 2 years and as you watch this video, you will see just how pleased Jake’s mum was the improvement after just one treatment.

Jake also has carers that come and attend to him and whilst Jake’s mum had said nothing to them about his treatment to help his curved spine, they noticed the improvement immediately.

Jake was able to sit straighter in his chair and after the second treatment, even his walking had begun to improve. This will be a series of videos following Jakes story, so come back to experience Jake’s progress or subscribe to my YouTube channel here

Jake’s Story Part 2

Jake continues to make great progress with my treatment for his curved spine. His mum his happy to tell us about it and the changes she is noticing.

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Call me for an initial consultation and to book an appointment on 07951 146778 or 01923 562519