Crippling pain kept me off work until I discovered Michael
I had a car accident 20 years ago and though at the time I didn’t think this caused an issue for my back, I just escaped with a few scratches. Coupled with a fall the following year I was off work for a year with sciatica pain down my left leg and I was basically immobile. I had tried all sorts of therapies including numerous physiotherapists, osteopaths, specialists over the years. Recently I had pain in my neck and down my right arm which was so bad I couldn’t go to work for a few months.
I saw Michael’s advert on Facebook and initially skeptical but thought I’d give it a try. After one session I felt instant pain relief down my right arm and I was confident Michael was the person to sort my pain out. After 5 sessions I was feeling much better and in total I had 7 sessions and now feel like a new person. More energetic, able to move easily and enjoying life!
Michael has been excellent and with his approach and understanding of my problem, he was able to resolve my back and neck issues by closely sorting out my spine where I have had pain for many years. Not only has my neck pain disappeared but also my original back pain (sciatica) has cleared which has been with me for 20 years! Thanks Michael for all your help