Severe Lower Back Pain and Whiplash Injury

Mark suffered an injury whilst playing football. A seemingly innocent tackle that left him with severe lower back pain and a whiplash injury.

Mark did as we all would under those circumstances and took himself off to hospital. The verdict was a cracked rib, but as we can see, Mark’s injuries go well beyond this. He was left with severe and visible spinal misalignment, giving him a very crooked centre line leaning to the left. He also acquired quite a stoop from the whiplash. Mark then sought the help of a Chiropractor, but as we can see from Mark’s situation at the beginning of the video above, he wasn’t getting anywhere.

In this video, you can see how treating Mark’s severe lower back pain and whiplash injury with my unique program, has already yielded quite dramatic improvements in both his posture – how he’s standing – and importantly how he feels – “A million times better” to quote.

There is still more work to do, but Mark is making tremendous progress now that his body has the opportunity to begin the healing process.