Anthony – Lumbar Pain

Anthony is a 27 year old Managing Director living in London. When I first met Anthony he was in a considerable amount of lumbar pain, with numbness to his buttocks, side of foot, cramp intermittently in his right calf, pins and needles in his toes.

Several years prior to our meeting, Anthony had a RTA (road traffic accident) where he fractured three vertebrae in his back, T8, T9, T10 and a herniated L3 disc resulting in paralysis from the waist down, he was bedridden for eight weeks.

Although Anthony slowly recovered from his injuries, the pain in his back had never completely gone away, he had bad days and better days, never good days.

  1. First treatment: Four 15 minute phases of Electro-Stimulation to alternate every 15 minutes, using a frequency of 80-130Hz for acute pain, alternating with a frequency of 2-5Hz, for chronic pain. Completing the treatment with 15 minutes of Shiatsu spinal massage and vertebrae alignment techniques.
  2. Second treatment: Same as the first.
  3. Third treatment: Same as the first.
  4. Fourth treatment: Same as the first.
  5. Fifth treatment: Same as the first.
  6. Sixth treatment: Two 15 minute phases of Electro-Stimulation, using a frequency of 25-50Hz for nerve rejuvenation. Completing the treatment with 15 minutes of Shiatsu spinal massage and vertebrae alignment techniques.

On completion of treatments, Anthony is now totally free from back and neck pain, has no numbness to his buttocks or side of foot. The cramps to his right calf  have stopped, as have the pins and needles in his toes.

Want to be Pain Free?

If you want to be pain free, call me for an initial consultation and to book an appointment on 07951 146778 or visit my Contact Details page